Pregnant On First Day Of Period?Bloody Joe asked...Dear Miss Love,
I had a great time last night. Good club, nice music and excellent friends. I was introduced to this girl and to cut a long story short, we ended up at my place. Just when we were about to do it, she told me she was having her period. I told her I have no issues with that (as my raging member down there would agree). We soon got into action, with a condom of course. It was mind-blowing! ...while she was removing the condom from my member, she noticed the teat was leaking.
My mojo was leaking out from the condom! It was not a pretty sight. Blood and my love juice all over my balls. My question to you is, is there a chance that she would get pregnant? I am really worried as I think it is very likely that some of my sperm leaked into her. She told me it was the first day of her period. I read somewhere that sperms are able to survive inside a woman for many days.
Please advice.
Miss Love said...Dear Bloody Joe,
The answer is NO. A woman's fertile period is day 14 in her cycle with her 1st day of period being the 1st.
Some sperms might survive up to 5 days in the uterus. But even with the given plus minus 3 days on each side, she is still unlikely to be pregnant. Do not celebrate this by going out and hammering another lady friend though. Both of you should get to a clinic for an STD test soonest.
I cannot over emphasize the importance of using a condom properly. There is a step by step guide in all condoms. Remember to read before you slip =)
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Miss Love cracked this case at -- 6:06 PM.